Ooooohhh I love the weaving of medical and other LIFE! I am sensitive, squeamish, basically blood phobic and was still able to read!

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Thanks so much Cassidy! It's really fun to bring creativity into these places that most people don't get to see or at least not from this perspective. I definitely wasn't trying for a gross out, but I have come to realize my threshold for what is gross to talk about is not normal.

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This, to me, is why Substack is a gem. Where else would one find such a quirky and gifted poetic form to savour--and where else would the poet herself be likely to share it?

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Thanks Carrie! It's really fun to bring creativity to places it normally doesn't go, isn't it.

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Wow wow wow, Amy! I have never read anything like these— fascinating, utterly visceral, and so intimate. You straddle “the edge between hard and soft” in the living and the writing of these experiences. So cool.

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Thank you Emily! I know how much and how closely you read so that means a lot. I tried to eschew the soft for a long time even though I'm really quite a heart on my sleeve softie by nature.

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I love the voice, the shape, and, yes- the HEART

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These are brilliant!! What an amazing project. I hope you keep going back to try and exhaust the well!

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Thank you Matt! I'm always inspired by the intersection of science or medicine and art, so I'm definitely excited to keep going.

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