Garden dandelions nourish me and the bees. They are a major part of the garden's thriving ecosystem. I eat the greesn ALL the time (mostly raw but also make tea) and I see noticeable differences in my health and well-being.

It is so easy, free and underrated. Viva dandelions.

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It never occurred to me to eat them, thank you for this! 🌼

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We're shoving dandelion leaves and nettles into soups right now and they're so good.(And free). As a kid, granny always said that in spring we had to eat stuff to 'clean the blood' - dandelion, nettle, rhubarb, wild garlic. In an Italian kitchen, I've eaten thistles in this season. It feels simple and obvious to me that the seasons and our environment give us exactly what we need, when we need it, and it's so good to see that knowledge and instinct coming back in this generation. Thanks for lovely work.

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I had no idea of all these ways to consume dandelions! I had only heard of making tea with them before. And of course, I love how they help the bees!

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Thank you for this in depth review of the dandelion! I have been using the tea for years as a post-sushi night diuretic, but I had no idea about all the other benefits. Looking forward to trying the recipes.

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